As a basic litmus test, follow the instructions below.
- Open a new browser window
- Go to Google
- Search for the phrase "Startup Business Loans StartCap" Copy
- Find, count the ranking position, and then put the number in the box below
Keep the window open, you'll need it on the next question.
Tip 1: Phrase could be located up to page 5 of search results
Tip 2: You may need to "search instead for"

- Click the link in search results to visit the website
- Scroll to the bottom of the page, find "Start-Up Loans", then click any option in that menu.
(e.g. Personal Loans, Business Loans, Line of Credit, etc.) - Copy the second heading (h2) and paste it into the box below
Leave the window open, we'll need it again later in the test.
3. Which of the following HTML elements is used for the largest heading?
4. Which of the following is a valid method to add an external CSS file to an HTML document?
5. Which CSS property is responsible for the space between the content and the edge of an element’s border?
6. Which JavaScript function allows you to select an element by its unique identifier?
7. Which of the following CSS rules has the highest level of importance?
8. What will this JavaScript expression output? console.log(2 + '2');
9. What is the purpose of the $(document).ready() function in jQuery?
10. Which of the following is the correct way to center a block-level element in CSS?
Follow the steps below.
- Go back to the previous window that was opened in question 1 of this test
- Scroll to the bottom of the page
- Click "Apply Online"
- Copy the URL from the browser window & paste it into the box below